My niece, a bread lover like me, was thrilled when i returned home with these – cinnamon donut, cheese and black sesame mini bun, from Sun Moulin Bakery.
Mails accumulating again. i’m glad that amongst the stack of ad postcards, mailers, invites and bills, there’s also a letter from the cute Ankhjargal, my sponsored child in Mongolia :-)
i didn’t expect the wacom tablet to be dusty (especially i use it everyday) till i took this picture. The dust certainly wasn’t visible with naked eyes. Time for spring cleaning!
My sis was very sure i couldn’t finish all the food even though i claimed to be very hungry. And true enough, half way through the walnut cake, i know there is no way i could eat that cheese bun.
i set the wrong mode on the camera and the composition i preferred turned out to be blurred. Arrrggghhh!
My mum is very good at cooking and baking all kinds of yummies, but this instant-packed black sesame dumplings turned out to be quite a challenged for her.
Despite the ugly looking skin, they still taste good.
Eating and shooting at the same time because i was so hungry.
i accidentally washed the stack of pre-paid coffee/tea vouchers together with my laundry and they ended up looking weathered and badly crushed! The staffs were quite amused by my deformed vouchers, said that as long as the dates and serial numbers are readable, i can still use them. Lucky me!