Sunday, 9 August 2009

ugly dumplings

My mum is very good at cooking and baking all kinds of yummies, but this instant-packed black sesame dumplings turned out to be quite a challenged for her. 

Despite the ugly looking skin, they still taste good.


Jo said...

These instant ones only needs to be cooked for a short while, i think. 10/15mins max. I see that your mom made much effort to add the pandan leaves and "brown" soup.

Hmmm... Maybe it's becoz the freezer is too cold...and the skin cracked before it's even cooked. The same thing happened to my "tang yuan" once coz i kept it for too long...or maybe coz it was going to expire soon. Mine was a 2-for-the-price-of-1 deal. Hahaha... ;p

one little journey said...

yeah, usually i will just boil in water and eat 'dry'.

my mum shdnt have thaw the dumplings, it's supposed to be cooked frozen.